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Kp Astrology House Combinations Pdf

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To lead a spiritual life, the sub lord of ascendant being Ketu, deposited in the constellation of planet in 9th the and Ketu in some manner connected to Saturn and 12th, if he has Venus well connected to mars, he will lead a family life and spiritual life without taking sanyasa margam, (kethu gnanakaraka, ix philosophy and higher knowledge, 12th for service to others). KP Bhava(house) Degree In general systems of astrology it is analysed that a specific planet occupying a house is located in the Rashi of which house but in Krishnamurti system it is seen that which sign is there on the starting point of a house. In Krishnamurthy system the Bhava degrees are very important as the planets yield results according.

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  5. Kp Astrology House Combinations Pdf Free

Each individual on this planet needs cash for survival since riches satisfies the fundamental needs of an individual and brings social and budgetary security. Numerous fusions and yoga in Vedic Astrology are considered in a natal graph to judge how rich an individual would be

The essential houses, which are mulled over to judge an individual's riches, are second, sixth and tenth house. The second house delineates self-produced riches, sixth house shows riches and cash through credits and accounts and the tenth house reflects riches through job, profession and different sources.

In the event that the second house is solid, cash stops by legacy and ventures. In the event that the sixth house is solid, cash comes as premiums in transactions like giving and financing. In the event that the eighth house is solid, all the riches deliver organizations or marriage. On the off chance that the tenth house and the ruler of the tenth house are solid, the local profits through numerous distinctive sources.

Combinations indicating wealth in NATAL CHART

The 2nd house represents the personal assets of a person. It is analyzed by checking the impact of the planets in the second house and their aspects, the lord of the second house and the sign on the cusp of the second house.

The 8th house represents the personal assets of a person accumulated through business partnership or through marriage. To analyze the strength of this house we check the planets placed in it, their strengths, and the aspects of the planets on it. The lord of the 8th house and its placement in the chart is also important.

The 11th house represents one's personal assets accumulated through business and work. Just like the other houses, the strength and the results of this house too are judged through placement and aspects of planets in it, and the position of its lord.

The presence of wealth can be judged by the placement of Venus and Jupiter along with the placement of Taurus and Sagittarius in a natal chart

Astrology kp birth chart

The lord of the ascendant and its relationship with the lord of the 2nd and 8th house should also be taken into consideration along with any planet placed in 2nd and 8th house.

The placement of Saturn and Mars in a chart is analyzed to determine the inclination of a native towards a particular field. These factors do not indicate wealth individually and are considered secondary factors for accumulation of wealth.

Role of Jupiter in the Yoga's related to wealth

The significators of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So the basic rule is that both Jupiter and Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy.

Moon and Jupiter together form a wealthy yoga known as Gajkesari Yoga, which makes an individual rich and wealthy if he has it. Moon and Venus in 5th house also indicates that the individual will be wealthy.

As per vedic astrology if Mars is in 4th, Sun is in 5th or Jupiter is in the 11th or 5th then earnings will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building.

If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Cancer for a native of cancer rashi then he becomes very rich through his work and divine grace.

If the quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas of Rahu/mercury/Saturn /Venus.

Jupiter in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and position of 5th lord in the 10th house indicates that the person becomes rich through his son or daughter.

Role of Venus in the Wealth Yogas

Venus with Mercury and Saturn in any House indicates the person will earn lot of wealth by business leadership.

If benefic planets or 10th lord is in Taurus or Libra and Venus or lord of 7th house is in 10th then the native will become rich by marriage or through the wife's earnings.

Kp Astrology Chart

Also, if Venus is in conjunction with the second house lord in the ascendant, and the 2nd house is strong, then the person will be very focused on building up huge personal assets.

Other Yogas affecting the Wealth

If Mercury is placed in the zodiac sign of Aries or Cancer then it indicates that the person earns lot of wealth during the Mercury dasha.

It has been found that Mercury with Jupiter and Venus in any house represents the earnings through religious deeds working as Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, and Head of religious institutions and so on.

Memorex cd label maker software windows 10. As per Indian astrology, Jupiter in 10th or 11th and Sun or Mercury in 4th or 5th or vice versa indicates that the native becomes rich by Good administrative skills.

It is believed that if the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th house are placed with 6th, 8th, or 12th lords, the native earns lot of wealth in a short span of time.

Mutual exchange of Houses of 2nd and the 9th lord (except Saturn) makes a person rich.

Dhan Yoga's

Not with standing a couple of Saints, a large portion of us have an inherent craving of being hugely Rich. Vedic Classics are loaded with shloka's that detail a brain boggling show of planetary consolidations guaranteeing to line the pockets. These syntheses in Astrological wording are termed as Yoga's. The yoga is a Good combo of planets specifically design introduce in the horoscope that offers ascent to auspicious results to a single person.

There is hundreds of Dhan yoga all in all. Few among that conspicuous Wealth creating Yoga are specified here that can make individual scope to mind boggling statures. Just need is to know such combos its quality and the ideal time of its fructification- with the goal that individual can channelize its capability minus all potential limitations.

Famous DhanYoga's

Vidhyuta yoga

In a chart if 11th lord is in deep exaltation and is in conjunction with Venus in a Kendra, from Ascendant lord, Vidhyuta Yoga is formed. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person can be a king or equal to him. He will control wealth and he will be a man of generous instincts.

Chandradhi yoga

In a chart when benefices Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are placed in the houses 6, 7 and 8th and moon collectively of singularly this yoga is formed. The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will make the native polite and trustworthy, happy, wealthy, famous and will enable him to be victorious over his enemies. This is considered to be one of the most beneficial and auspicious yoga.

AkandSamrajya yoga

In a Chart, Jupiter should be strong as 2nd or 5th lord. With this 11th lord should be in Kendra to Moon –unaffiliated it leads to presence of AkandSamrajya Yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person is endowed with long life with all good fortunes.

Kusuma Yoga


In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. It leads to presence of Kusuma Yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person attains kingly status and immense prosperity is ensured for him.

Parvata Yoga

In a chart, if ascendant and 10th lord are in mutual angles or benefices are in Kendra and 6th and 8th house are free from malefic affliction it leads to formation of this yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person shall be endowed with immense wealth, is respected, highly recognized, equaling to rulers.

Trilochana Yoga

In a chart, if Sun, Moon and Mars are in trine to each other, Thrilochana Yoga is formed. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person can attain enormous wealth, is a horror to his enemies, highly intelligent and is blessed with good longevity.


In a chart if Jupiter mercury and Venus are placed in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house from Ascendant or Moon it leads to formation of this yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person shall be endowed with immense wealth. In nutshell, though these yoga's are immensely powerful and result oriented but a clear assessment is of strength can made only after studying the natal and divisional charts, planetary influences, dasha, transits, related aspects all in synchronization.

KP Astrology - KP System (Krishnamurthy paddhati)

There are various schemes which can be used in astrology for determining positions of planets and then by using them, astrologers can predict the chances of happening of any event. Krishnamurthy Paddhati of Astrology is also one such system which is used very often to predict events in the future with higher accuracy. It is also known as KP astrology in short where KP obviously stands for Krishnamurthy Paddhati. KP system study was devised by Shri K.S. Krishnamurthy who is considered as one of the most famous astrologers of all time.

Before KP astrology, Vedic astrology was prevalent in India. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthy studied various aspects of Vedic astrology and western astrology and he himself developed a new system of studies which is known as KP system. This system of astrology is highly accurate and is very easy to use for astrologers and hence there are lesser chances of human errors. Birthastro is the most useful website which offer you the advice of one of the best KP astrologers in India.

Birthastro brings you another dedicated astrological service free of cost to you. KP or Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology Software is based on the study of Stellar Astrology. In this, stars are studied to predict an event accurately in one's life. It is most simple and famous in Hindu astrologyas it is easy to apply and understand conceptually. This software service is of great help to you as well as astrologers to predict an event in most accurate manner.


KP Astrology considers that the houses are not equally divided into 12 divisions but based on the cusps. In this software from Birthastro, the houses are measured from cusp to cusp. Cusp is deemed as the point of connectionor node between two houses. The accuracy of giving any correct prediction with this software will of great help to you. This software can certainly give you an idea for important events and moments in life. It will be important for an astrologer to know this technique as it minimizes the difference between the predictions.

Origin of KP Astrology

This software from Birthastro is based on the technique of astrological science which was invented by Late Shri Krishnamurti in order to revolutionize predictions in Vedic Astrology. It is a simplest technique to predict an event accurately. Earlier, astrologer find difficultly in predicting the certainty of an event. So, Shri Krishnamurti invented this technique to simplify the work for astrology. KP system is also called to be a modernized form of Vedic Astrology.

Kp Astrology House Combinations Pdf

The lord of the ascendant and its relationship with the lord of the 2nd and 8th house should also be taken into consideration along with any planet placed in 2nd and 8th house.

The placement of Saturn and Mars in a chart is analyzed to determine the inclination of a native towards a particular field. These factors do not indicate wealth individually and are considered secondary factors for accumulation of wealth.

Role of Jupiter in the Yoga's related to wealth

The significators of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So the basic rule is that both Jupiter and Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy.

Moon and Jupiter together form a wealthy yoga known as Gajkesari Yoga, which makes an individual rich and wealthy if he has it. Moon and Venus in 5th house also indicates that the individual will be wealthy.

As per vedic astrology if Mars is in 4th, Sun is in 5th or Jupiter is in the 11th or 5th then earnings will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building.

If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Cancer for a native of cancer rashi then he becomes very rich through his work and divine grace.

If the quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas of Rahu/mercury/Saturn /Venus.

Jupiter in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and position of 5th lord in the 10th house indicates that the person becomes rich through his son or daughter.

Role of Venus in the Wealth Yogas

Venus with Mercury and Saturn in any House indicates the person will earn lot of wealth by business leadership.

If benefic planets or 10th lord is in Taurus or Libra and Venus or lord of 7th house is in 10th then the native will become rich by marriage or through the wife's earnings.

Kp Astrology Chart

Also, if Venus is in conjunction with the second house lord in the ascendant, and the 2nd house is strong, then the person will be very focused on building up huge personal assets.

Other Yogas affecting the Wealth

If Mercury is placed in the zodiac sign of Aries or Cancer then it indicates that the person earns lot of wealth during the Mercury dasha.

It has been found that Mercury with Jupiter and Venus in any house represents the earnings through religious deeds working as Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, and Head of religious institutions and so on.

Memorex cd label maker software windows 10. As per Indian astrology, Jupiter in 10th or 11th and Sun or Mercury in 4th or 5th or vice versa indicates that the native becomes rich by Good administrative skills.

It is believed that if the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th house are placed with 6th, 8th, or 12th lords, the native earns lot of wealth in a short span of time.

Mutual exchange of Houses of 2nd and the 9th lord (except Saturn) makes a person rich.

Dhan Yoga's

Not with standing a couple of Saints, a large portion of us have an inherent craving of being hugely Rich. Vedic Classics are loaded with shloka's that detail a brain boggling show of planetary consolidations guaranteeing to line the pockets. These syntheses in Astrological wording are termed as Yoga's. The yoga is a Good combo of planets specifically design introduce in the horoscope that offers ascent to auspicious results to a single person.

There is hundreds of Dhan yoga all in all. Few among that conspicuous Wealth creating Yoga are specified here that can make individual scope to mind boggling statures. Just need is to know such combos its quality and the ideal time of its fructification- with the goal that individual can channelize its capability minus all potential limitations.

Famous DhanYoga's

Vidhyuta yoga

In a chart if 11th lord is in deep exaltation and is in conjunction with Venus in a Kendra, from Ascendant lord, Vidhyuta Yoga is formed. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person can be a king or equal to him. He will control wealth and he will be a man of generous instincts.

Chandradhi yoga

In a chart when benefices Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are placed in the houses 6, 7 and 8th and moon collectively of singularly this yoga is formed. The presence of this yoga in the birth chart will make the native polite and trustworthy, happy, wealthy, famous and will enable him to be victorious over his enemies. This is considered to be one of the most beneficial and auspicious yoga.

AkandSamrajya yoga

In a Chart, Jupiter should be strong as 2nd or 5th lord. With this 11th lord should be in Kendra to Moon –unaffiliated it leads to presence of AkandSamrajya Yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person is endowed with long life with all good fortunes.

Kusuma Yoga

In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. It leads to presence of Kusuma Yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person attains kingly status and immense prosperity is ensured for him.

Parvata Yoga

In a chart, if ascendant and 10th lord are in mutual angles or benefices are in Kendra and 6th and 8th house are free from malefic affliction it leads to formation of this yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person shall be endowed with immense wealth, is respected, highly recognized, equaling to rulers.

Trilochana Yoga

In a chart, if Sun, Moon and Mars are in trine to each other, Thrilochana Yoga is formed. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person can attain enormous wealth, is a horror to his enemies, highly intelligent and is blessed with good longevity.


In a chart if Jupiter mercury and Venus are placed in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house from Ascendant or Moon it leads to formation of this yoga. Depending upon the strength of yoga, the person shall be endowed with immense wealth. In nutshell, though these yoga's are immensely powerful and result oriented but a clear assessment is of strength can made only after studying the natal and divisional charts, planetary influences, dasha, transits, related aspects all in synchronization.

KP Astrology - KP System (Krishnamurthy paddhati)

There are various schemes which can be used in astrology for determining positions of planets and then by using them, astrologers can predict the chances of happening of any event. Krishnamurthy Paddhati of Astrology is also one such system which is used very often to predict events in the future with higher accuracy. It is also known as KP astrology in short where KP obviously stands for Krishnamurthy Paddhati. KP system study was devised by Shri K.S. Krishnamurthy who is considered as one of the most famous astrologers of all time.

Before KP astrology, Vedic astrology was prevalent in India. Shri K.S. Krishnamurthy studied various aspects of Vedic astrology and western astrology and he himself developed a new system of studies which is known as KP system. This system of astrology is highly accurate and is very easy to use for astrologers and hence there are lesser chances of human errors. Birthastro is the most useful website which offer you the advice of one of the best KP astrologers in India.

Birthastro brings you another dedicated astrological service free of cost to you. KP or Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology Software is based on the study of Stellar Astrology. In this, stars are studied to predict an event accurately in one's life. It is most simple and famous in Hindu astrologyas it is easy to apply and understand conceptually. This software service is of great help to you as well as astrologers to predict an event in most accurate manner.

KP Astrology considers that the houses are not equally divided into 12 divisions but based on the cusps. In this software from Birthastro, the houses are measured from cusp to cusp. Cusp is deemed as the point of connectionor node between two houses. The accuracy of giving any correct prediction with this software will of great help to you. This software can certainly give you an idea for important events and moments in life. It will be important for an astrologer to know this technique as it minimizes the difference between the predictions.

Origin of KP Astrology

This software from Birthastro is based on the technique of astrological science which was invented by Late Shri Krishnamurti in order to revolutionize predictions in Vedic Astrology. It is a simplest technique to predict an event accurately. Earlier, astrologer find difficultly in predicting the certainty of an event. So, Shri Krishnamurti invented this technique to simplify the work for astrology. KP system is also called to be a modernized form of Vedic Astrology.

Description of Krishnamurthy Paddhati

There are 12 zodiac signs in KP astrology which are also called Rashi. Each one of them corresponds to some planet. The complete sky is considered as a circle and all the 12 planets are supposed to revolve around this circle. Since the complete 360 degrees of the circle is divided into 12 Rashi each of the zodiac signs gets 30 degrees of angle. Each zodiac sign is further divided into 27 stars or Nakshatra which equally share that 30-degree angle of the planet and hence each star subtends 13 degrees 20 minutes of angle to the center of the circle.

Now comes the most important part which is highly significant in the KP system of astrology, that is sub-lords. Each of the star or Nakshatra is further divided into 9 divisions and each of these divisions has some lord which is set to reside in that division. This lord is called sub-lord of that division. This concept of sub-lords is the main core of KP astrology. Each of the planets has different properties but stars or Nakshatra are considered more powerful in KP astrology as they have stronger magnetic waves.

The basic idea of preparing the chart in KP astrology is inspired from Bhava Chalit chart which is a highly used chart in Vedic astrology. Almost all the rules for preparing the chart in KP astrology are the same as that of Vedic astrology. It should be noted that the natural auspiciousness of different planets which ia used in Vedic astrology has no significance in KP astrology as it works on growth factor and a descendant factor which automatically accommodates the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of different planets.

Calculation techniques of KP Astrology

Birthastro's KP Astrology software calculates on the basis of the stellar system of prediction and its Sub Lords. The concept of KP astrology is quite similar to Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology but with certain deviations as well. This system also believes in 12 Zodiac Signs. Zodiac sign is further divided into 27 identical parts which are called as Stars. Each star is further divided into 9 divisions, called as Sub. This 9 division of star are 'Sub Lords' in KP system and a real concept of KP Astrology. This is based on proper evaluation and applications of sub lords. This technique of separating the zodiac in KP astrology is quite comparable to Vedic Astrology.

Basic Principles of KP Astrology

There are certain principles which are to be followed in KP astrology. These principles are the most fundamental laws which help astrologers in predicting any event using this system of astrological study. Some of these principles are mentioned here.
Any planet which is residing in some house may even interfere with the results of the previous and next houses to it. But it depends on different degrees of different planets.
There are many factors which affect the significator of different houses. These factors include the house itself, planets in the star of that house, owner of the given house and planets in the star of the owner of that house.
The sign lord is believed to give results which depend upon the house in which it is residing.
There are some houses which get activated due to some other houses in the Mahadasha period. These houses are referred to as significator houses. Once any planet's Mahadasha starts, it will affect all of its significator houses.
The predictions about the event can be done using the sub-lords of a certain house and according to the Kundali which is based on its significator houses.
These principles are used by astrologers to predict the chances of happening of an event and previous use of KP astrology has given many positive effects and that is the reason why it is accepted not just in India but all over the world.

Differences Between KP astrology and Vedic Astrology

Although KP astrology is just a modernized version of Vedic astrology there are some differences between them. KP astrology just uses a different system for analysis for different planets and their sub-lords.
The house division system used in Vedic astrology is generally Sripathi house system but in KP astrology, Placidus house division system is used.
In KP, the dashas of each and every planet and its significator house is to be determined while on the other hand, Vedic astrology requires the only dasha of the moon for most of the purposes.
KP astrology differs from Vedic astrology in the fact that it uses western astrology principles more often.

Kp Astrology Online

Uses of KP Astrology

KP Janmpatri

Krishnamurthy Janmpatri is one of the most important astrological materials which uses KP astrology. It is prepared by finding out the positions of different planets and their sub-lords according to the principles of the KP system study. It is used to predict many events about the future of the newborn baby. Websites like Birthastro provide a great online platform for making Krishnamurthy birth chart.

Kp Astrology Tutorial

KP Kundali

KP astrology Kundali can be prepared at any stage of life to get an insight about your future. It is probably the best way to predict different Instances during a lifetime. KP astrologers are available all over India and also at various online websites like Birthastro and many more.

KP Horoscope

KP horoscope can be predicted with the help of underlying principles of KP astrology. Horoscopes are developed according to the KP zodiac signs and are very much effective. There are many websites which provide free software to find horoscope and Kundali according to KP astrology.

Kp Astrology House Combinations Pdf Download

Removing Doshas

Kp Astrology House Combinations Pdf Free

KP astrology is not just about predicting but with the help of several positions of different planets, astrologers can even suggest many measures to eliminate different doshas in your KP astrology Kundali.

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